I'm not a walking advertisement. Even if I want to be.
My hands and nails are not 'perfect'.
Perfect is a big word, but you know what I mean...
Hand on heart, I am directing this statement to myself. Naturally, my love for MMN can make me put unnecessary pressure on myself, but this is something I need to change.
I spend most days at the gym, at my 9-5 and then back to MMN in the evenings.
But making time for family and friends is super important to me, so living such a busy lifestyle doesn't always allow for a 'perfect' mani 24/7.
So I'm going to write this here and now, so I can read it on repeat whenever I need to:
- I am not a hand model.
- My nails chip and break too.
- It isn't a crime to leave the house with bare nails.
I may own and love my brand, but I am not my brand. We're human right!
I confess, I have been guilty of trying to showcase MMN on Social Media in it's best light, and this is something I will continue to do, but I also want to ensure the brand is represented in it's most authentic self.
Some may say that the most gorgeous and long-lasting mani's happen when you aren't in a rush, and this may be true - but it is also important to find time for self-care, self-love and self-reflection - which is why I love doing my nails, as it gives me this opportunity.
But I promise to share more snippets of my life with you, and continue to embrace those imperfections I speak of. So rest assured, I'm in this crazy world with you!
Life is imperfect, so why would we be anything less?
Ness x