Is it Taboo? Embracing Ageing in Beauty

Is it Taboo? Embracing Ageing in Beauty

My hands are ageing, and as the face of a nail polish brand, this reality hit me hard. It’s something many of us worry about—how our bodies change over time. But recently, I gave myself a much-needed reality check. Beauty isn’t just about youth, and that’s never been what my brand, MMN, stands for.
We all have insecurities—whether it's wrinkles, grey hair, or other signs of ageing—but they’re a natural part of life. Instead of hiding them, why not learn to love them? I know I'm not alone in this; many of us face the pressure to look 'perfect' in a world that can be obsessed with flawless images. But perfection is an illusion, and embracing our true selves is far more empowering.
That’s why I’ve always believed in showing you the real, unfiltered MMN—so here it is, imperfections and all! My hands and nails are the face of my brand, and that's perfectly OK, whether I’m 30, 50, or beyond.
Side note, I’m obsessed with MMN products (yes, I’m biased, but you’ll only know if you try them! 🙂)! These products are made to celebrate beauty in all its forms, no matter your age.
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