"But...are you sure you want to be the face of your brand?"

"But...are you sure you want to be the face of your brand?"

I can't tell you how many of my close friends and family asked me this question. 

Initially I was stunned to be asked.

Not at all because I was offended, but because deep down I did feel a little conflicted about being the face of my brand. 

I'd already invested so much in MMN, if this crossed their minds too, could introducing myself really damage the brand before I even got started!? 

The louder voice in my head said to me "don't be silly, I am just another small business owner getting to know their customers and industry from scratch, it's difficult for anyone starting out...". 

The quieter niggling voice, said to me "be realistic. Being the face of the brand could possibly encourage a proportion of people to avoid purchasing my product, no matter how much they were interested in it".  

On 31st August 2021, I stood proud with my loud voice and I've never looked back since. 

My followers and customers deserve to know what small business owner they are investing in.  

MMN will never welcome racial discrimination,  and what better way to highlight that, than to put myself forward, as me. 

I expect to face some challenges as MMN grows, but I have the support of so many incredible people in my corner. 

My circle is multicultural and proud, and I absolutely love our Nail Polish Gift Sets! 

Ness x

💡A good business is not defined by race.

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